Environmental Investing in Vermont

At One Day In July, we believe environmental investing is a great fit with Vemont's well-earned reputation for championing causes related to conservation and the environment.

We also believe that environmental investing in Vermont should not entail higher costs, reduced liquidity or less diversification. Our fees, which we disclose publicly on our site, are the same for these strategies as for all other strategies we manage. Further, our environmentally-focused portfolios utilize low cost, highly liquid exchange traded funds (ETFs) that provide investors with diversified exposure to hundreds of companies. We use these funds to implement a strategy that targets significantly reduced exposure to companies that own fossil fuel reserves or are heavy carbon emitters.

One concern people often have about environmental investing in Vermont is that investing this way may entail sacrificing return potential. While there certainly have been times when sustainable investment strategies underperformed the broad market, there have also been times where the opposite has been true. The majority of the evidence we have seen does not suggest there is a persistent or predictable performance gap between sustainable investment strategies and traditional approaches. And given the urgency and momentum surrounding climate change, we believe the economics behind environmentally-focused investing strategies may become increasingly attractive over time.

If you are looking for environmental investing in Vermont, we encourage you to contact us for a free consultation with a financial advisor via phone, video conference, or in person at one of our locations in Burlington and Shelburne, Vermont.

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